Licensing & Legal Info Web Content



Life Insurance Central is licensed to do business in all 50 states.

Agency License # Doing Business As State
802735 A.G.I.A., Inc. Alabama
11786 A.G.I.A., Inc. Alaska
3000120686 A.G.I.A., Inc. Arizona
100116121 A.G.I.A., Inc. Arkansas
0549207 A.G.I.A., Inc. California
100763 A.G.I.A., Inc. Colorado
2636783 A.G.I.A., Inc. Connecticut
3000120601 A.G.I.A., Inc. Delaware
3000545214 A.G.I.A., Inc. District of Columbia
L106213 A.G.I.A., Inc. Florida
205676 A.G.I.A., Inc. Georgia
491156 A.G.I.A., Inc. Hawaii
722257 A.G.I.A., Inc. Idaho
100318900 A.G.I.A., Inc. Illinois
3439403 A.G.I.A., Inc. Indiana
1002048773 A.G.I.A., Inc. Iowa
952409500-000 A.G.I.A., Inc. Kansas
398032 A.G.I.A., Inc. Kentucky
742888 A.G.I.A., Inc. Louisiana
AGN330910 A.G.I.A., Inc. Maine
97547 A.G.I.A., Inc. Maryland
2091818 A.G.I.A., Inc. Massachusetts
12815 A.G.I.A., Inc. Michigan
40630764 A.G.I.A., Inc. Minnesota
9102388 A.G.I.A., Inc. Mississippi
8479083 A.G.I.A., Inc. Missouri
3000545357 A.G.I.A., Inc. Montana
3000546455 A.G.I.A., Inc. Nebraska
3439903 A.G.I.A., Inc. Nevada
2435847 A.G.I.A., Inc. New Hampshire
3000561794 A.G.I.A., Inc. New Jersey
1800004245 A.G.I.A., Inc. New Mexico
951778 A.G.I.A., Inc. New York
952409500 A.G.I.A., Inc. North Carolina
20295905 A.G.I.A., Inc. North Dakota
1240057 A.G.I.A., Inc. Ohio
100304033 A.G.I.A., Inc. Oklahoma
100156365 A.G.I.A., Inc. Oregon
896414 A.G.I.A., Inc. Pennsylvania
3000005224 A.G.I.A., Inc. Rhode Island
1900266489 A.G.I.A., Inc. South Carolina
22967 A.G.I.A., Inc. South Dakota
2440911 A.G.I.A., Inc. Tennessee
2421782 A.G.I.A., Inc. Texas
722258 A.G.I.A., Inc. Utah
3442810 A.G.I.A., Inc. Vermont
145939 A.G.I.A., Inc. Virginia
955788 A.G.I.A., Inc. Washington
100248971 A.G.I.A., Inc. West Virginia

A.G.I.A., Inc.

(Designated Responsible Producer License)

344701 A.G.I.A., Inc. Wyoming

This service is currently unavailable to residents of any countries other than The United States of America. Applications on behalf of any insurance company will only be sought or accepted from a resident of a state in which licensed affiliates, and Life Insurance Central and/or their individual agents are licensed. Carriers represented vary by state.

We are licensed as life insurance agents. As insurance agents, we are the representatives of the insurance company. We try to find the best match of your needs with the term life insurance products available in your state from the various insurance companies we represent as agents. Our services are provided at no cost to you. When you purchase insurance through us, we receive compensation from the insurance company that issues the policy. This compensation may include commissions when a policy is purchased or renewed, and fees for marketing and administrative services and educational opportunities. The compensation, which may include bonuses associated with sales performance, varies by insurer and the specific product and features purchased. To ensure our customers that the carrier and product recommendations made by the Life Insurance Central Licensed Representatives are not influenced by compensation variables, the Licensed Representatives are compensated by Life Insurance Central and their salary and bonus compensation is not affected by the carrier or the specific product they recommend.

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